• slide1
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  • slide5
  • slide6
  • 5k Run
  • slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • LOVAAS Slide
  • Collaboration Center Foundation slide
  • Autism Care West
  • Little Lemons 2
  • 101 Barbershop
  • Mike Lee, Law Office

Public Policy

ACON has combined efforts and has had tremendous success in gaining legislation that has created extraordinary changes in the state of
Nevada. Over the last 15 years, we have collectively managed to reform statewide
public policy addressing awareness and the availability of appropriate services
across the lifespan for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and related
Neurodevelopmental Disorders. We are especially grateful to our supporters,
lawmakers, families, and caregivers who have stood with us in realizing our

Due to the combined efforts of our members and our supporters, AB 162 was put into law. Nevada became the 11th State to
mandate insurance coverage for the treatment of ASD. 

We are thankful to Governor Jim Gibbons - who appointed ACON's Founder Ralph Toddre as the first ever State Autism Commissioner, head
of the newly established Nevada Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders in
2007.It was due to this incredible commission that Nevada began to see great
changes in the way that autism was being addressed and managed. Since then – we
have continuously advocated and forged new progress for those with Autism
Spectrum Disorder.

Through the passage of AB 316 and AB 345, the Autism Treatment Assistance Program (ATAP) was adopted into
Nevada’s Aging and Disability Services Division. This legislative action allows
ATAP to receive a higher priority in the state budget to fund appropriate
responses to changes and/or new challenges that may arise in the needs of the
Autism community.

In 2017, SB286 was passed in support of autism insurance coverage and rates for RBT and BCBA therapists – to expedite

In 2019, ACON facilitated the passing of #SB216, #SB174 and #SB202 during the 2019 Nevada Legislature
Session! We continue to support state and federal budget initiatives that
facilitate the needs of our autism community through Legislative testimony, and
community engagement. 

In 2023, ACON spearheaded crucial legislation that enhances the lives of our autism population throughout Nevada. Thanks to Senator Heidi
Gansert and Governor Lombardo, SB 191 was signed into law during the
2023 Legislative Session - increasing the age limit for autism services through
age 26!! This is a monumental accomplishment - giving individuals an additional
5 years of autism services in alignment with Federal Law.

In addition, we partnered in advocacy with the Clark County DAAY Court and Senator James Ohrenschall to expand access to the DAAY Court
benefits throughout the state of Nevada! SB 411 was signed into law
by Governor Lombardo this legislative session as well!

We are so proud of the many accomplishments our Autism community has helped us to achieve. We must continue to focus on our mission.
Join us as we continue our efforts to move forward in meeting all of our
objectives now and in the future. Our ability to share our compassion and care
is limitless.


 Public Policy

FEDERAL POLICY  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Congress has passed and President Obama has signed the ABLE Act allowing the creation of tax-free savings accounts to pay for disability expenses! Now you or your loved one with autism will be able to save tax-free to pay for your disability-related housing, education, medical, transportation and other expenses. But first, your state needs to add ABLE accounts to its Section 529 program. Now limited to college savings accounts, these state programs now need to be expanded to include the new ABLE accounts. Urge your Governor to make ABLE accounts a priority in your state! Contact Governor Sandoval at http://gov.nv.gov/

Autism Cares Act      
(formerly Combatting Autism Reauthorization Act)
The federal funding law for autism, originally the Combating Autism Act enacted in 2006 and reauthorized in 2011, was renewed in 2014 for another five years as the Autism CARES Act. The original law was signed by President George W. Bush and the 2011 and 2014 bills were signed by President Obama. Total funding under the act should exceed $3 billion by 2019 for autism research, services, training and monitoring by the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Health Resources and Services Administration.  AUCD (Association of University Centers for Excellence on Disabilities)

More information on Federal Policy updates, UCED Centers, LEND Programs and more: www.AUCD.org


NEVADA POLICY  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Insurance Coverage for Autism… are you covered?

Take a simple questionnaire here:  http://www.autismspeaks.org/advocacy/insurancelink

Medicaid Coverage Update ~ Applied Behavior Analysis treatment is mandated to be covered under Medicaid and will be enacted by October 2015

Nevada Commission on ASD ~ http://adsd.nv.gov/Boards/Autism/Autism/

Nevada Strategic Plan on Autism ~ Updates coming soon!

Who are my Nevada representatives and what is my district?

Nevada State Legislature Website:

NvLEND (Leadership and Education in Autism and Neuro-developmental Disabilities) Project:

For more information on receiving policy updates and how to support autism related issues, please contact the Nevada Department of Health & Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division: (888) 729-0571






© 2017 ACONV.org  All rights reserved.

Autism Coalition of Nevada

